Introducing the Signpost AI Blog

Hi everyone and welcome to the Signpost AI Blog. We had the idea of creating this blog in order to make our thinking and work processes more transparent and, in the shiny, baffling, and ever-changing world of AI, more human.

The idea here is that we share with the world exactly what we’re doing, how we’re doing it and what we’re thinking so that we can help demystify the process of building with AI - and particularly - the process of attempting to put it to work at the service of humanity. Also, we hope this blog will invite critique, debate, discussion, and collaboration.

NOTE: This blog is not our resource and research publications page. Our publications, whether frameworks, research, tools, or links to git hub repos, will be more rigorous and presented in a more standard and objective way.

In this blog, expect to find articles about decisions, mistakes, false starts, surprise successes, breakthroughs (hopefully), and maybe even some humorous stories. Also expect some grammatical errors, neologisms, and half baked ideas - we’re all really busy and don’t have tons of time to dedicate towards putting polish on all of this, but we are dedicated towards working in the most transparent way possible, and sharing it with the world - because it is important and the aid sector needs this right now. We’re not fully sure what we’re going to write because the journey is just beginning. We’re excited to make the world a better place by getting the absolute utmost out of all this fancy new tech and seeing to it that it serves the interests of those who are most often neglected or excluded from the benefits of innovation.

Thanks for joining us and let’s have some fun!


Introducing SignpostAI: An AI Lab for Humanitarian Aid