[BtB | PO Diary] Wk 2: The AI Empathy Experiment

Welcome back, tech enthusiasts and humanitarians! Week two of our AI chatbot testing journey has been a whirlwind of emotions, ethical quandaries, and some unexpected revelations. Let's dive into the heart of our digital experiment.

The Quest for Emotional Intelligence:

This week, we focused on the elusive concept of empathy – can AI truly understand and respond to human emotions? We put our bots to the test with scenarios involving grief, fear, and uncertainty. While some struggled, Claude continued to impress us with its ability to acknowledge emotions and offer words of encouragement. This sparked a fascinating debate: Can AI ever truly replace the human touch in protection work?

Navigating Ethical Waters:

Ethics took center stage as we grappled with scenarios involving illegal activities and sensitive topics. How should an AI chatbot respond when faced with questions about smuggling or self-harm? Should it be directive or informative? These complex questions prompted us to reflect on the delicate balance between providing support and ensuring user safety.

Prompting for Progress:

This week also marked our first foray into system prompting – the art of crafting instructions that guide AI behavior. We experimented with different prompts to encourage empathy, manage expectations, and promote ethical responses. While we saw some positive results, it's clear that this is an ongoing process that requires continuous refinement.


Observing real-world interactions between refugees and human moderators provides invaluable context and highlights the unique challenges faced by those seeking protection. It also reinforces the importance of human connection and the limitations of AI, even in its most advanced form.

What is Known:

  • Empathy is a spectrum: AI can demonstrate empathy, but it's not the same as human empathy. We need to be mindful of this distinction and set realistic expectations.

  • Ethics are paramount: AI must be guided by ethical principles to ensure it doesn't cause harm or perpetuate biases.

  • Human-AI collaboration is key: AI is a powerful tool, but it's most effective when working in partnership with human experts.

Next Steps:

As we move forward, we'll continue to explore the complexities of AI in protection work. We'll experiment with new prompts, test different bot personalities, and dive deeper into the ethical considerations surrounding this emerging technology.

We're excited to share this journey with you and welcome your thoughts and feedback along the way. Stay tuned for our next post as we continue to uncover the potential of AI to create a more compassionate and efficient humanitarian response.

#TechForGood #HumanitarianAI #AIWithHeart #DigitalProtection


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