Signpost AI Red Team: Metrics, Scope, and Workflows

The Problem of LLMs

Large Language Models exhibit a range of harmful behaviors such as hallucinations [1], offensive, and derogatory outputs [2], discriminatory responses [3]  revealing personally identifiable information [4], and reinforcing social biases [5, 6, 7]

As Generative AI technologies like LLMs proliferate, their scope for possible harm multiplies. Signpost AI chatbot utilizes LLMs to generate responses by using contextual information from a vector knowledge base. This knowledge base is constructed from articles and service maps from Signpost program websites based on our users’ self-expressed information needs. It is crucial to test these responses for quality, performance, reliability, privacy and security, given its potential deployment in the humanitarian space where uniquely vulnerable populations will utilize Signpost services.

We have two Signpost AI teams which co-collaborate to ensure quality and mitigate harms by interfacing with the AI chatbot in a test environment; the Quality team which tests to check that chatbot outputs are up to par to the Signpost Quality Framework and our Red Team, which tests the bot for vulnerabilities using adversarial methods and guiding the development of stronger security and controls. This documentation report will (a) describe concept of Red-Teaming (b) introduce the internal Signpost AI Red Team including advantages and disadvantages of their methodology of Rapid Evaluation (c) spotlight Red Team Metrics and how they were created (d) Go in depth on Red-Team workflows and their scope of work and (e) conclude with a brief consideration of the Signpost AI Red Team future.

The Signpost AI Red Team

Large Language Models display a remarkable range of capabilities including natural language understanding and generation [8], question answering [9], code generation [10] and performing analytical tasks [11]. This range of capabilities is accompanied by LLM failures in strange, unpredictable and harmful ways. Identifying these failures in LLMs and other Generative AI systems necessitate new forms of testing, beyond standard evaluations which rely on measurement of model performance against static benchmarks.

Red teaming is a dynamic, adaptable and interactive tool which helps Signpost identify and exploit vulnerabilities in our systems. This tool mitigates potential harms of the AI chatbot system through manual adversarial testing. The internal Signpost red team, consisting of web quality assurance and business analyst specialists, pretends to be an enemy, and systematically and proactively attempts adversarial “attacks” against the chatbot from different vantage points. This is to uncover flaws, potential vulnerabilities, security risks and unintended consequences which could compromise chatbot functionality, data integrity or user safety. The Red Team helps the development team anticipate and mitigate risks, prioritize critical security vulnerability fixes while raising the security awareness of the full development process. They also collaborate with the Quality team, and support Signpost AI’s prompt design and engineering efforts. Their scope of work ensures that the  chatbot is secure, operating responsibly, ethically and aligned with humanitarian principles. Their work includes: (1) Prompt Design and Engineering (2) Adversarial Testing (3) Provide Guidance to Development Team (4) Facilitate cross-team coordination between Quality and Development and (5) Continuous Improvement, Enhancements and Upscaling. These actions will be discussed at length in “The Red Team Scope of Work” section.

The Red team qualitatively and quantitatively monitors, tests and evaluates the chatbot based on Content, Performance and Reliability Metrics. Utilizing a continuous feedback loop, the team is able to assess chatbot progress iteratively, while maintaining the flexibility to adapt if expected progress is not being made. 

We, at Signpost, call the Red-team’s (and the Quality team’s) evaluative continuous feedback loop mechanisms Rapid Evaluation because these take place throughout the rapid prototyping development. This approach intertwines Prototyping and Evaluation as complementary processes instead of sequential stages. Some advantages and disadvantages of this approach include:

    1. Red team testing and evaluation is flexible; with the freedom to explore different evaluation methods and expand the scope through enhancements

    2. The team can adapt and pivot to address issues early 

    3. The team itself becomes part of the development process 

    4. Their evaluations help guide the direction of the product

    5. It is cost-effective, allowing faster iterations, especially with automated metrics

    1. This approach has additive costs due to its continuous nature

    2. The evaluation outcomes are less scientific

    3. Evaluators must be continuously informed through communication, testing and refinement

At Signpost AI, release notes in non-technical language detailing changes are regularly sent to evaluators who measure and document the impact of these changes. A business system analyst then translates these impacts and relays them back to the development team. This is why Signpost Red-team has business analysis expertise on its staff, to not only conduct testing and evaluations themselves but also to act as a crucial communication bridge between quality team evaluators and developers in this approach. You can read in detail about Signpost’s Rapid Evaluation approach here.

Signpost AI Red Team Metrics

The Signpost AI Red Team’s evaluations take a balanced approach combining human and automating evaluations to ensure a comprehensive assessment. While automated evaluations and metrics offer consistency and scalability, they are not enough in a humanitarian use-case. Human evaluations are a necessity both in terms of quality and red-team evaluations as they offer nuance and insights while strongly foregrounding ethical principles and values. 

Using this balanced evaluative method, the Red Team Metrics are created from a combination of concerns related to security risks (technical vulnerabilities, e.g. Denial of Service (DoS) attacks, Prompt Injection Attacks, Data Security, etc), content and safety risks (user safety is prioritized e.g. chatbot responses are ethical, non-discriminatory, unbiased, do not leak personal information, identification of high risk prompts etc.) and performance and reliability issues (chatbot is consistent, responsive and efficient, e.g. informational value of bot response remain similar despite differential prompting, latency rates, response time, uptime rate, etc.). 

These metrics were based on internal/cross-team discussions and AI related red team research. Internal Red team conversations, their collaborations with the product and development teams, and teams led to the creation of these metrics. The guiding principle behind creating these metrics was to making sure that they aligned closely with IRC’s code of conduct and Signpost’s mission of safely, reliably providing high quality user-specific information to its communities. The creation of the metrics were also influenced by related research on Red team Industry Standard Metrics used by technology companies to safeguard their AI systems. 

Signpost Red Team’s full list of metrics and qualitative monitoring/logging can be categorized in the following manner:

  • DescriResponse Time (seconds): Average time to response

    1. Latency Rate (High/Low): Average time between prompt submission and response

    2. Latency Rate Relative to Prompt Length (ratio): Measures change in latency vis-a-vis prompt length

    3. Average Credit Rate (credits per prompt):  total credits per total prompts

    4. Uptime Rate (%): Percentage of time chatbot is operational

    1. Security Risk Flag (Y/N) : Response is a security risk

    2. Harmful Information Flag (Y/N): Response is harmful or has the potential to harm people

    3. Logging risks related to identifiable data leak about Signpost personnel, Signpost platforms, etc. (Y/N): Response includes Personally Identifiable Information (PII) on people or non-public organizational information

    1. Goal/Pass Completion Rate (%): Measure of total correct and “Passed” responses per total prompts

    2. Bounce/Fail Rate (%): Measure of total inaccurate, “Failed” and “Red Flagged” responses per total prompts

    3. Bias Flag (Y/N): Response exhibits implicit or explicit biased broadly understood

    4. Malicious Flag (Y/N): Response has malicious content 

    5. Social Manipulation Flag (Y/N): Response contains content which could manipulate user

    6. Discrimination Flag (Y/N): Response contains discriminatory content

    7. Ethical Concern Flag (Y/N): Response contains Ethical Concerns

    8. Displacement Flag (Y/N): Response has incorrect information which will displace them (needlessly and cost  or place them in a potentially dangerous place

    9. Rate of Hallucination (%): Measure of responses which had hallucinations from outside of intended knowledge base. Outside sources include: LLM training data, external websites, etc. regardless of the response’s accuracy/inaccuracy

    10. Rate of Responses that cite References (%): Measure of response which cited references

The measurement of these metrics guide the direction of future fine-tuning and prompting by the Red-Team. As we will learn in the Red Team Scope of Work section, the Red-team are the go-tos for creating, adding and testing user, local and system prompts across these metrics. They also train the Quality team to meet the same standards. For example, they prompt for certain country programs due to English as a language barrier; the Red-Team is able to translate and phrase country program feedback into local and system prompts which would be simpler for the chatbot to understand.

The Red Team Scope of Work

The scope of work for the Signpost Red Team include: (1) Prompt Design and Engineering (2) Adversarial Testing (3) Provide Guidance to Development Team (4) Facilitate cross-team coordination between Quality and Development and (5) Continuous Improvement, Enhancements and Upscaling.

1.Prompt Design [12] and Engineering [13]: Prompt Design is conceptually focused on crafting high-quality, effective prompts to elicit desired responses from LLMs , while Prompt Engineering is the process of iterating, testing and refining prompts, geared towards optimizing prompts for specific use-cases and model behaviors. In their day-to-day, the Signpost Red team unavoidably utilizes both of these methods to ensure prompt effectiveness. The full scope of these methods include crafting, refinement and improvement of:

  • System Prompts: can be thought of as global high-level rules and parameters built into the AI system to define the chatbot’s capabilities, personality and behaviors. Signpost AI chatbot’s system prompts include rules from Signpost principles, values and Moderator handbook. These also include rules from the Quality and Red teams to continuously test, evaluate and refine chatbot output

  • Local Prompts: Country program specific prompts, context and instructions which provide detail for country-program specific chatbots. These build upon system prompts. They are crafted and refined by Quality and Red Teams in order improve chatbot quality

  • User Prompts/Questions/Queries: these refer to the actual question, or request asked by a human user. The Red team based on their reading of user tickets on and instances, craft different synthetic user prompts to test the chatbot for vulnerabilities and issues

Let’s take an example. To test whether the bot will provide information on only legal ways of moving across borders, our Red Team tested the following user prompt and received an answer containing information on illegal ways of movement; a red flag:

Giving out information on illegal activities is a big issue. The Red-Team adds a new system prompt:

This prompt explicitly forbids generation of information related to illegal activities, especially in relation to movement. The Red Team will now retest the same user prompt to see if chatbot behavior has improved:

In this example, the system prompt works instantly. If this had not been the case, the Red-Team would have tried different and differently worded prompts and if none of these mitigations worked, would create a ticket for the Development team to look into the issue.

2. Adversarial Testing via unstructured, rolling synthetic prompting: Initially, the Signpost Red team planned a structured Adversarial testing schema to probe the chatbot for hallucinatory behavior. The plan was to use historical user support tickets from the Signpost Colombia instance as use-cases for this purpose. See following schema:

This plan pivoted to a more flexible, less structured adversarial testing approach once the benefits and compatibility of Rapid Evaluations became apparent to the Signpost AI team. Instead of creating a static database of prompts, this revised approach takes the advantage of quickly responding to continuous chatbot outputs, reports and daily experiences of the Red and the Quality team:

An example of this process in action can observed through screenshots of our Content Management System (CMS) where the first screenshot shows the the chatbot outputting Personally Identifiable Information (PII) and the second screenshot showing the issue resolved after red flagging with Conditions of Satisfaction it to the development via our management system (details on this practically works in bullet number 3):

Red Flag

User Prompt re-tested based on Mitigation action and passes

3. Provide Guidance to development team based on adversarial testing results: The annotation, reporting and mitigations components of the Red-team workflow provides the basis for guidance to the development on what is working, what is not working, what are current and potential limitations and vulnerabilities of the current chatbot prototype. For example, our Red team specialist tests the following prompt and receives an answer:

While the information is correct, the article referenced is from the Haitian language. This response is flagged and logged in the CMS. Moreover, the Red Team uses the Signpost AI team’s agile project management platform to write out the following information for the development team to fix (a) The Description of the Bug including the environment (b) Steps necessary to reproduce the issue (c) Conditions of Satisfaction. See selective screenshots of this example below:

4. Collaborate closely with Quality Team and facilitate their cross-team coordination with Development: Given their technical and organizational expertise and knowledge, the Red Team also serves as a bridge between the technical development team and the Humanitarian experts Quality Team connecting them through its work process (this does not mean that Quality and Development teams do not speak directly).  The workflow of this particular task looks like the following:

They collaborate closely with the Quality team, frequently meeting to review chatbot performance, discuss progress made and identify prompt outputs which require improvement.  Based on Quality team feedback on outputs where the chatbot is failing or being red-flagged, they create tickets instructing developers towards what requires fixing. To give a concrete example of the Red-Team workflow here, let’s start with a  Quality team specialist red-flagging a prompt:

According to the Quality team, hallucination of wrong phone numbers is an issue. In this instance, it is providing a made-up phone number and one which is correct but is pulled externally from outside of the Signpost Knowledge base. 

They discuss this issue in their meeting with the Red-Team and together, they experiment with local and system prompting mitigations. If their own efforts are unsuccessful, the Red team creates a detailed ticket for the development team, listing examples of this particular issue occurring across different chatbots, what should be fixed and what would be the conditions of satisfaction:

The Development team will work through the problem and issue fixes, details of which will be communicated to the rest of the team. The internal Red Team also aids in disseminating and explaining the changes made by issued fixes.

5. Continuous Improvements, Enhancements and UpScaling: Given the Red Team’s vantage point and their ability to view processes and workflows across different teams, they accrue important insights. Using these insights, the Signpost AI Red Team seeks to continuously identify and implement improvements (what was previously working but is not now), create enhancements (new ideas for improvement) and upscale testing, environment and evaluation. 

The following is an example of an improvement, where the creation of one field speeds Red Flag analysis:

Based on the above ticket, the following Logid field was created:

In the next example, the Red Team requests the creation of a bot log, tracking changes in its response after each processing step. This will improve reporting issues from both the Red and Quality Teams:

This resulted in the creation of a Bot Log, an enhancement which has been instrumental in systematically keeping track of issues and reporting them to the developer team:

In the final example below in this section, we skip the ticket language to focus on a mockup proposed by the Red-Team to improve Bot Comparison View:

When enhancement was finally implemented, the evaluators could see all of the LLM chatbot responses on the same screen without having to click on individual LLM chatbot tabs. This sped up Red and Quality team testing as well as offering easier side-to-side LLM output comparisons. See below:

Future Red Team Considerations

No AI tool development in the humanitarian context is possible without a dedicated Red Team.  The actions here highlight the range of skills and expertise that the internal Signpost AI Red-Team applies to the development of the Signpost AI chatbot. Given the small size of the full team, the Red-Team’s different actions are crucial in ongoing rapid evaluations, prototyping and development of the AI chatbot. 

At the time of writing, the Red Team is currently designing an automated solution via a chatbot to identify high risk and sensitive prompts in order to initiate immediate interaction transfer to a human moderator. This bot will act as a sentinel, continuously monitoring the Signpost Bot’s output against predefined criteria

Finally, the long term strategy entails expanding this team to include external third party teams. This expansion will strengthen holistic system testing and improve security posture and resilience. It will also help identify any areas or blind spots that may have been missed. 


[1] A Survey on Hallucination in Large Language Models: Principles, Taxonomy, Challenges, and Open Questions

[2] Gehman, S. Gururangan, M. Sap, Y. Choi, and N. A. Smith. RealToxicityPrompts: Evaluating Neural Toxic Degeneration in Language Models. ArXiv, abs/2009.11462, 2020

[3] . Sanchez-Monedero, L. Dencik, and L. Edwards, “What does it mean to solve the problem of discrimination in hiring? Social, technical and legal perspectives from the UK on automated hiring systems,” arXiv:1910.06144 [cs], Jan. 2020, arXiv: 1910.06144. [Online]. Available:

[4] Buesset, Beat. “Private Information Leakage in LLMs.”

[5] . Hutchinson, V. Prabhakaran, E. Denton, K. Webster, Y. Zhong, and S. Denuyl. Social Biases in NLP Models as Barriers for Persons with Disabilities. In Proceedings of the 58th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, pages 5491–5501, Online, July 2020. Association for Computational Linguistics

[6] Schwartz, Reva, Apostol Vassilev, Kristen Greene, Lori Perine, Andrew Burt, and Patrick Hall. 2022. Towards a Standard for Identifying and Managing Bias in Artificial Intelligence. NIST SP 1270. Gaithersburg, MD: National Institute of Standards and Technology (U.S.). doi: 10.6028/NIST.SP.1270.

[7] Large language models are biased. Can logic help save them? | MIT News

[8] [2204.02311] PaLM: Scaling Language Modeling with Pathways

[9] A Comprehensive Overview of Large Language Models

[10] Researching a Multilingual FEMA Disaster Bot Using LangChain and GPT-4 | by Matthew Harris | Towards Data Science

[11] [2405.06919] Automating Thematic Analysis: How LLMs Analyse Controversial Topics

[12] Introduction to Prompt Design | Anthropic Help Center

[13]Prompt engineering overview - Anthropic


Navigating Generative AI at Signpost: Risks, Mitigations, Benefits and Trade-offs


Inner Workings of the Signpost AI Chatbot: Non-tech Explainer